Red Hill - Patrick Henry National Memorial

Historical SitesMuseumsSmall Business SaturdayVolunteer Based Organizations
9am to 5pm April through October. 9am to 4pm November through March. 1pm to 4/5pm on Sundays
Driving Directions:
From Lynchburg, follow 501 south to Brookneal, then follow 40 outside of Brookneal to Dog Creek Road, then follow signs.
About Us
Last home and burial place of America's patriot and Virginia's first governor, Patrick Henry. Visitor Center, museum with largest collection of Henry artifacts, original and reconstructed plantation buildings, and Quarter Place Trail. Open daily except New Year's, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Group tours and school groups are welcome. Events include Naturalization Ceremony held in May, Independence Day on July 4th, Home Educators days in the fall and spring, Christmas Open House the first Sunday of December, Lantern Tours, Living History Days for the public, and Starry Nights.