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Making Your Business’ Social Media Appeal to a Younger Audience

Making Your Business’ Social Media Appeal to a Younger Audience

Making Your Business’ Social Media Appeal to a Younger Audience

Social Media has become an increasingly utilized tool for businesses for marketing and connecting with customers, and it has proven to be especially effective to engage young adults. Young adults or “Millennials” currently make up for the largest percentage of the workforce, which is why it is so important to make sure your business appeals to young adults. The best way to do this is through the use of social media.

According to Blue Corona, 50% of 18-34 year-olds prefer businesses who regularly post to their Facebook profiles, and 30% of total customers say they may choose not to purchase from a company that does not have a social media platform. Using social media platforms to give customers insight to your business effectively fosters brand trust and increases the likelihood that customers will patron your business.

Studies have also shown that younger adults connect more with a business’ social media if it has a personality. The best way to create a business personality is by having a consistent way of writing in posts, similar colors you always use, and to engage with customer comments and messages. Think of what makes your business unique or special and utilize that to develop your social media personality. Developing a personality like this creates a connection between the business and your customers, fostering brand trust. 
Some simple tips you can use to improve your social media are to make sure you use high quality photos, and make your posts engaging. Use a camera to capture photos that are clear, bright, properly aligned, and feature your product or business in a positive manner. Try to avoid posting on social media without a picture or graphic. Good images add color and interest to your posts and draw the customer’s eye to your content to make them more interested in what the post is saying.

You can also make your social media more engaging by responding to comments, hosting question & answer sessions, having an Instagram or Facebook Live, holding a giveaway or contest, and anything else that creates an opportunity for customers to have their voice heard on your platform, and get to know your business better. 

While social media may be challenging to get started, the rewards can be great! Take it not just as a challenge but as an opportunity to connect with a new audience who might love your products or services or even just your unique story.

Corinne McCaw is a Marketing and Communications Intern at the Alliance, currently studying Journalism & Mass Communications at Samford University.

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