Taste of the Derby 2023

Returning for another run: CVACL’s Taste of the Derby! Please join us for a fun-filled night
of live music and dancing, casino-type games, huge silent auction, hat contest, and more, including “the most exciting two minutes of sports” broadcast!
For more information, contact Vickie at 434-385-9070, ext. 130.

of live music and dancing, casino-type games, huge silent auction, hat contest, and more, including “the most exciting two minutes of sports” broadcast!
For more information, contact Vickie at 434-385-9070, ext. 130.

Date and Time
Saturday May 6, 2023
4:00 PM - 9:00 PM EDT
Saturday, May 6, 2023
Tresca on 8th, downtown Lynchburg
Valet and parking shuttle will be available!
$65 per person available at https://www.cvacl.org/derby-tickets
Contact Information
Vickie Craig Tuck
Send Email