Now Accepting Nominations for the 143rd Annual Meeting Awards! Please enter your information below, in case we need to reach you regarding your nomination. Title First Name * Last Name * Suffix Phone Number Email Address _______________________________________ Please enter the nominee's information below. Title First Name * Last Name * Suffix Phone Number Email Address _______________________________________ Which award are you nominating this individual for? * F. M. "Dink" Cloyd Award - The Dink Cloyd Award was established in 1973 as a memorial to Dink Cloyd, who worked as a volunteer with the Chamber of Commerce while employed by Appalachian Power Company and then as a part-time staff member for several years after his retirement. Upon his death several friends established this award which consists of a sterling silver pitcher and suitable certificate. The recipient’s name is inscribed on the pitcher and is held in trust for one year. The award is presented each year to one Lynchburg Regional Business Alliance member who has rendered outstanding voluntary service to the organization. Young Professional to Watch Award - The Y.P. To Watch Award shall be given to a Young Professional in recognition for outstanding contributions to their organization and/or community and that shows exceptional promise for future leadership in the Lynchburg Region. Consideration for nomination shall include the age range of 20-40 and employment by a Lynchburg Regional Business Alliance member organization. George Taylor Stewart III Award - This award is given annually to an individual in recognition for service to the Lynchburg region community. Considerations for this award include variety and length of service to the community. In your opinion, why should this nominee be selected for this award? * Please list a few adjectives that describe this person. * Please upload any materials related to this nominee that may assist us in the selection process. (Resume, Newspaper Article, Previous service, Etc.) Do you want this nomination to remain anonymous? * Yes No Thank you! If you would like to submit another nomination. Please submit and then refresh this page to start a new nomination.